David Lipton (back to camera) with the Sanger family: (front row) Bryna Sanger; (back row) Murray Zung, Elizabeth Sanger-Zung, Gail Sanger, Al Fenster and Harry Katz
Nell Minow (center) and David Lipton (far right) with members of the Sanger family: Elizabeth Sanger-Zung, Gail Sanger, Al Fenster, Murray Zung, Bryna Sanger and Harry Katz
Douglas Grande (left) was one of the first inspectors hired and eventually served as the Associate Director of the Denver Office. Paul Bijou (right) spent more than 15 years at the Board.
George Botic (left) joined the PCAOB in 2003 as a Deputy Director and was named the Director of the Office of Inspections and Registrations in 2018. Chris Mandaleris (right) spent more than 17 years at the PCAOB.
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